On 28 November 2023, during Women without Border’s project trip to Zanzibar, implementing partner ZAYEDESA brought together over 300 former MotherSchools graduates for a large celebration with a number of MotherSchools community stakeholders and supporters. Acting as the culmination of a three-year project funded by the L’Oréal Fund for Women in Zanzibar, it was a day of celebration and joy as three different Parenting for Peace graduating classes gathered together. The sharing of speeches, experiences, and dancing rounded out the wonderful day
MotherSchools Zanzibar Celebration 2023
Parenting for Peace 2021-20232023
MotherSchools ZanzibarHashtags
#WomenWithoutBorders #MotherSchools #ParentingForPeaceFunders
L'Oréal Fund for Women