Owing to its resounding successes in implementing MotherSchools since 2012, Women without Borders (WwB) developed the follow-up sustainability programme ‘MotherCircles: Leadership for Peace’. The objective of MotherCircles is to build community resilience from the bottom up by creating a movement of informed and empowered mothers. MotherCircles provide a space for mothers to come together and support each other in their important role as the first teachers of their children. The programme brings the philosophy and lessons of the ‘MotherSchools: Parenting for Peace’ Model deeper and sustainably into at-risk communities.

This short MotherCircles feature showcases the experiences of two former Macedonian MotherSchools teachers, Meral and Sabrina, who have become vocal leaders and proponents of the MotherCircles and MotherSchools movement. They have participated in the implementation of WwB’s Macedonian MotherSchools from the start and bring insightful and passionate perspectives into the initial challenges and impact that these initiatives have had in their communities.

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