Tensions between India and Pakistan continue to rise, and the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai only intensified the critical situation. However, the two nations share a historical and cultural legacy that connects their people and supersedes national borders and political frontlines. In order to ensure international security and stability, civil society and women in particular must be engaged in the fight against fear, hate, and stigmatisation of ‘the other’. Women are the heart of a family and are increasingly dedicated to making a contribution to strategic security efforts. Their voices must be heard and actively included, as they are uniquely positioned at the intersection of the public and private spheres. In order to promote the inclusion of women in security strategies, Women without Borders (WwB) organised a public discussion in 2011 with four leading experts from India and Pakistan. They presented an innovative dialogue project that aims to empower women as voices of civil society as they work to overcome prejudice, mistrust, and fear between the two countries.


Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection

Edit Schlaffer, Founder and Executive Director of Women without Borders/SAVE

Shabana Fayyaz, Quaid-I-Azam University, Pakistan

Archana Kapoor, SMART NGO, India

Anita Pratap, Journalist, India/Japan, WwB Advisory Board Member

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