In true Parenting for Peace fashion, Women without Borders, in partnership with CampusAsyl e.V., hosted the first-ever joint MotherSchools and FatherSchools Graduation Ceremony in Regensburg, Germany! The uplifting and vibrant event featured a panel and testimonials from MotherSchools and FatherSchools participants and remarks from Bavaria’s State Minister for Family, Labour and Social Affairs, Ulrike Scharf.

Encompassing a whole-of-society approach, both MotherSchools and FatherSchools build resilience in families and communities and tap into the role model potential of parents. Hats off to the most recent MotherSchools and FatherSchools graduates for their courage and commitment!

The MotherSchools and FatherSchools projects in Regensburg are made possible by the generous support from the Bayerische Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales.

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