Strong Cities Network Western Balkans Regional Practitioners’ Workshop

Women without Borders (WwB) delivers the keynote speech on the ‘MotherSchools: Parenting for Peace’ Model, specifically the MotherSchools programme in Skopje, Macedonia at the Strong Cities Network ‘Western Balkans Regional Practitioners’ workshop hosted by the International City/Country Management Association’s (ICMA) in Albania. The conference brings together key national figures and regional mayors, building cooperation across a membership of more than 40 cities region-wide. Across two days, frontline practitioners discuss key regional trends, local challenges, and the steps being taken across several member cities to prevent violent extremism (PVE) and build cohesive, resilient communities. Key issues include returnees and reintegration (including from the perspective of former violent extremists), referral mechanisms, and working with families and young people.

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