“I understood, from a lifetime of painting and a lifetime of teaching other people about how they could be better artists, that most of it is about confidence. I think I learned a lot of this from my mother, who is a textile designer and who never for a moment told me that I couldn’t be an artist. Never for a moment wondered how on earth was I going to make a living being an artist. I think she hoped that I would change my mind but she never told me to change my mind. Every other weekend when I was a very small child we would go to big and beautiful department stores in London and we would look at wonderful fabrics, wonderful dresses, wonderful furniture. She taught me how to understand the beauty of things and the quality of things … Then on the alternative weekend we would go to the big museums of London, and look at paintings, look at objects, go to the V&A, understand again about beautiful clothes, wonderful fabrics, fantastic paintings, and the history of art.”
– Lubaina Himid, Turner Prize-Winning Artist, London, England, UK
In late 2019, WwB & Birgit Lauda Art Foundation hosted the exhibition #ShiftingPowers with #TurnerPrize winner #LubainaHimid. WwB also hosted the Open House Talk ‘Shifting Powers meets the Island Of Change’, centring on the convergence between female art and women empowerment in Zanzibar. WwB partner H.E. Shadya Karume (former first lady of Zanzibar and founder of ZAYEDESA) and Lubaina Himid spoke to WwB founder/director Edit Schlaffer about their respective connection to the island and the pursuit of balancing gender dynamics. See wwb.org/update/open-house-talks-lubaina-himid-shadya-karume-the-island-of-change/

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