MotherSchools Teacher: “It’s really up to you to change things. Your child needs to know, ‘I am important. My mother is taking me seriously. She is listening to me actively and without getting distracted. Because this is precisely what extremists do… they listen. They’ll tell the kids, ‘You are important!’”

Women without Borders (WwB) proudly presents its latest MotherSchools film! In the MotherSchools, participants are empowered to develop collective strategies against radicalisation, to which their children could be exposed. Mothers learn to believe in themselves—and to demand the respect they deserve. They learn to better understand their children by adopting new communication and parenting styles. They learn prevention techniques and how to recognise early warning signs of radicalisation. Mothers are the first line of defence against extremism and violence. Have a look to learn more about the MotherSchools.


This project is supported by the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales and the German Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend in the framework of the Bundesprogramm Demokratie leben!

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